Zsh Completion

Essh supports zsh completion that lists SSH hosts. If you want to use it, add the following code in your ~/.zshrc

eval "$(essh --zsh-completion)"

And then, edit your .esshconfig.lua. Try to add the description property as the following.

host "web01.localhost" {
    ForwardAgent = "yes",
    HostName = "",
    Port = "22",
    User = "kohkimakimoto",
    -- add description
    description = "web01 development server",

host "web02.localhost" {
    ForwardAgent = "yes",
    HostName = "",
    Port = "22",
    User = "kohkimakimoto",
    -- add description
    description = "web02 development server",

You will get completion about hosts.

$ essh [TAB]
web01.localhost  -- web01 development server
web02.localhost  -- web02 development server

You can hide a host using hidden property. If you set it true, zsh completion doesn’t show the host.

host "web01.localhost" {
    ForwardAgent = "yes",
    HostName = "",
    Port = "22",
    User = "kohkimakimoto",
    description = "web01 development server",
    hidden = true,

You notice that the first characters of the description and hidden are lower case. Others are upper case. It is important point. Essh uses properties whose first character is upper case, as ssh_config generated to the temporary file. And the properties whose first character is lower case are used for special purpose of Essh functions, not ssh config.

If you are using bash instead of zsh, you can use eval "$(essh --bash-completion)". but the bash completion does not support to display description.

For more information on hosts, see the Hosts section.

Let’s read next section: Using Hooks