Running Tasks

Task is a script that runs on remote servers or local. For example, edit your .esshconfig.lua.

task "hello" {
    description = "say hello",
    prefix = true,
    backend = "remote",
    targets = "web",
    script = [=[
        echo "hello on $(hostname)"

Run the task.

$ essh hello
[remote:web01.localhost] hello on web01.localhost
[remote:web02.localhost] hello on web02.localhost

If you set local at backend property, Essh runs a task locally.

task "hello" {
    description = "say hello",
    prefix = true,
    backend = "local",
    script = [=[
        echo "hello on $(hostname)"
$ essh hello
[local] hello on your-hostname

For more information on tasks, see the Tasks section.

Let’s read next section: Using Lua Libraries