Using Drivers

Drivers in Essh are template system to construct shell scripts in tasks execution. In this tutorial, You have already used default built-in driver that is included in Essh binary. You can use a custom driver to modify behavior of tasks.

To understand what drivers do, see the following short example:

task "example" {
    script = {
        "echo aaa",
        "echo bbb",

Try to run this task with --debug option to display the actual script.

$ essh example --debug
[essh debug] run task: example
[essh debug] driver: default 
[essh debug] real local command: [bash -c 
export ESSH_TASK_NAME='example'
export ESSH_SSH_CONFIG=/var/folders/bt/xwh9qmcj00dctz53_rxclgtr0000gn/T/essh.ssh_config.767200705
export ESSH_DEBUG="1"

echo aaa
echo bbb

According to the debug messages, the task ran the following bash script:

export ESSH_TASK_NAME='example'
export ESSH_SSH_CONFIG=/var/folders/bt/xwh9qmcj00dctz53_rxclgtr0000gn/T/essh.ssh_config.767200705
export ESSH_DEBUG="1"

echo aaa
echo bbb

This contents was generated by the built-in driver. The built-in driver is the following text template that is included in Essh binary:

{{template "environment" .}}
{{range $i, $script := .Scripts}}{{$script.code}}

{{template "environment" .}} generates environment variables section. In the above example, this section becomes the following code:

export ESSH_TASK_NAME='example'
export ESSH_SSH_CONFIG=/var/folders/bt/xwh9qmcj00dctz53_rxclgtr0000gn/T/essh.ssh_config.767200705
export ESSH_DEBUG="1"

And after that, Essh concatenates script texts with new line code.

{{range $i, $script := .Scripts}}{{$script.code}}

The above code becomes the following:

echo aaa
echo bbb

Then, Try to define your first custom driver using driver function.

driver "my_driver" {
    engine = [=[
        {{template "environment" .}}
        set -e
        indent() {
            local n="${1:-4}"
            local p=""
            for i in `seq 1 $n`; do
                p="$p "

            local c="s/^/$p/"
            case $(uname) in
              Darwin) sed -l "$c";;
              *)      sed -u "$c";;
        {{range $i, $script := .Scripts -}}
        echo '==> step {{$i}}:{{if $script.description}} {{$script.description}}{{end}}'
        } | indent; __essh_exit_status=${PIPESTATUS[0]}
        if [ $__essh_exit_status -ne 0 ]; then
            exit $__essh_exit_status

task "example" {
    driver = "my_driver",
    script = {
        "echo aaa",
        "echo bbb",

driver function needs the required parameter engine. This is the template text. To use your custom driver, you need to set task’s driver property.

In this example, the driver outputs a step number and description, and indented script’s stdout. If you run the above task, you will get the following outputs.

==> step 0:
==> step 1:

The description hasn’t be displayed yet. You can set description property to each script’s code.

task "example" {
    driver = "my_driver",
    script = {
            description = "output aaa",
            code = "echo aaa",
            description = "output bbb",
            code = "echo bbb",

This code outputs the result like the following.

==> step 0: output aaa
==> step 1: output bbb

For more information on drivers, see the Drivers section.

Next Steps

In the Introduction guide, I have explained the basic features of Essh. If you want to get in-depth information about Essh, read the documentation.
