Lua VM

Essh uses GopherLua as a Lua VM to load configuration files written in Lua.

Built-in Functions

As you already seen host and task functions, Essh core features consist of built-in functions. All the functions that Essh provides are listed below.

  • host: Defines a host. See Hosts.

  • task: Defines a task. See Tasks.

  • driver: Defines a driver. See Drivers.

Built-in Libraries

Essh provides built-in Lua libraries that you can use in your configuration files. For instance, if you want to use json library, you should use Lua’s require function like below.

local json = require("json")

local jsontext = json.encode({aaa = "bbb", ccc = "ddd"})

The following are the built-in libraries that are included in Essh.

Predefined Variables

Essh provides predefined variables. In the recent version of Essh, there is one predefined variable: essh.

essh is a table that has some functions and variables. see below

  • ssh_config (string): ssh_config is ssh_config file path. At default, it is a temporary file that is generated automatically when you run Essh. You can overwrite this value for generating ssh_config to a static destination. If you use a gateway host that is a server between your client computer and a target server, you may use this variable to specify ProxyCommand. See below example:

    -- network environment.
    -- [your-computer] -- [getway-server1] -- [web-server]
    host "web-server" {
        HostName = "",
        ProxyCommand = "ssh -q -F " .. essh.ssh_config .. " -W %h:%p getway-server1",
  • select_hosts (function): Gets defined hosts. It is useful for overriding host config or setting default values. For example, if you want to set a default ssh_config: ForwardAgent = yes, you can achieve it the below code:

    -- ~/.essh/config_override.lua
    for _, h in pairs(essh.select_hosts():get()) do
        if h.ForwardAgent == nil then
            h.ForwardAgent = "yes"

    Above example sets the default value to the all hosts. If you want to set the value to some hosts you selected, You can also use the below code:

    -- ~/.essh/config_override.lua
    -- Getting only the hosts that has `web` tag or name of the hosts is `web`.
    for _, h in pairs(essh.select_hosts("web"):get()) do
        if h.ForwardAgent == nil then
            h.ForwardAgent = "yes"
    -- Using a table, Getting the hosts both `web` or `db`
    for _, h in pairs(essh.select_hosts({"web", "db"}):get()) do
        if h.ForwardAgent == nil then
            h.ForwardAgent = "yes"
    -- You can set a filter.
    -- Getting only the `web` hosts filtered by `production`.
    for _, h in pairs(essh.select_hosts("web"):filter("production"):get()) do
        if h.ForwardAgent == nil then
            h.ForwardAgent = "yes"
    -- Getting only the first one host using `first` method.
    local h = essh.select_hosts("web"):first()
    if h.ForwardAgent == nil then
        h.ForwardAgent = "yes"
  • host (function): An alias of host function.

  • task (function): An alias of task function.

  • driver (function): An alias of driver function.

  • debug (function): Output a debug message. The debug message is outputed when you run Essh with --debug option.
