Integrating Other Tools

Essh can be used with scp, rsync and git.


To use Essh inside of the git command. Write the following line in your ~/.zshrc.

export GIT_SSH=essh


Essh supports to use with scp.

$ essh --exec 'scp -F $ESSH_SSH_CONFIG <scp command args...>'

For more easy to use, you can run eval "$(essh --aliases)" in your ~/.zshrc, the above code can be written as the following.

$ escp <scp command args...>


Essh supports to use with rsync.

$ essh --exec 'rsync -e "ssh -F $ESSH_SSH_CONFIG" <rsync command args...>'

For more easy to use, you can run eval "$(essh --aliases)" in your ~/.zshrc, the above code can be written as the following.

$ ersync <rsync command args...>